Sunday morning………

How do you feel?

Regrets; broken; damaged; embarrassed; in pain; guilt; shame?

Do you live for the weekends – just existing through Monday to Thursday, always waiting for that Friday Feeling.  The weekend cometh – we can party like the Lord Mayor of Party Town.  

We can forget our lives (reminder – the one YOU have created) and hit the ‘Escape’ button; hit the ejector seat just for the weekend.

So you go out and get absolutely off your tits!! Some folks go out with this mission and they always succeed; whilst others might ‘go out for a couple’ but they always end up rolling around and off their heads. That’s because subconsciously, they were always going to get steaming drunk or in a drug fueled state of ecstasy. Deep down they want to escape every time.

Then the Sunday morning reality arrives and the big comedown hits you hard.

Yes, it can be loads of fun going out socially; with our mates, having the banter, meeting new people, creating memories and stories we’ll never forget. If these are your positive consequences of your social life then that’s perfect – keep doing it.    

However, if your consequences are regret, feeling broken, damaged, embarrassed, guilt and shame then things need to change. Sounds like you are using your social life as a tool to escape your real problems.

My Sunday mornings used to be painful and emotional; now I love them. Sunday’s aren’t boring, Sunday’s aren’t just the day of recovering and lying on the sofa feeling sorry for yourself and apologising to people. Or cancelling your debit card because you lost it; or claiming on your phone insurance because you lost it; or nursing physical injuries.   

Sunday’s are for living; being happy with your lot; being with people you love and knowing that you are creating a life that makes you love not just Sunday’s but every day.  

Get Some Focus. Help is there if you need it, you just have to ask.