Scratching the surface

Consider the ocean and its vastness, in area and in depth.

About 71% of the earth’s surface is covered in water, that’s 139,668,500 m2.

And at its deepest point, the Pacific Ocean, is nearly 7 miles deep.

That’s insane. But it got me thinking about life.

You see, there’s surface level and there’s deeper level.

Most people choose to go through life at the surface level.

At the surface it’s a lot safer and when you’re above the water, you can see around you, and see directly beneath you.

There’s safety and certainty in that. There’s no risk from delving into the deep unknown.

But staying at the surface is the same, it’s aimless and never-ending, and it’s boring.

You’ll never get to know your deeper level limits, of what you’re capable of and you’ll never discover anything if you stay at the surface.

Just scratching the surface of everything in life.

Surface level relationships, with your self, your family, your friends, your colleagues.

Surface level conversations and connections with others. Usually revolved around moaning, blaming, bitching & judging. Because its easy to do all that.

But be willing to dive deeper and this is where you discover the hidden beauty of life and yourself.

You challenge yourself to go deep, into the unknown, take risks and put yourself to the test.

You build your resilience, you become better, you learn new skills.

You’re on the lookout for something, you’re on a mission to find something specific and you’re also open to see whatever other mysteries come along to, you’re open for opportunities.

And diving deep can’t be done alone, you need very strong support, and this is priceless.

In the deep zone is where the hidden gems lie, its where a world awaits you that not many get to see because they’ve stuck themselves to the surface.

Where in your life could you go beyond surface level?

What are you bored of? Where do you need to push yourself to grow?

Your health? Get in shape? Join that gym? Clean up your diet? Bin the addictions? Get professional help?

Your relationships? Walk away? Or have a brutally honest conversation with someone? Remove the drama-queens in your life that drain your energy?

Your job? Find a career? Find something you enjoy, you’re good at, with people who appreciate you?

Your choice; stay on the surface and the same old, or take a risk, dive deeper in life…