Us humans are creatures of habit.  
Habits make us feel safe, we like routine and structure in everything, our thoughts, attitude, beliefs, words, behaviours and habits.  

Now let’s just assume your habits are insanely epic. You have a tremendous morning routine and evening routine.  

You prime yourself in the morning to own the day, then you reflect and decompress in the evening.  I have routines based on doing this. See my First Things First routine.

  • Fitness (moving/sweating/hydrate)
  • Inner power (gratitude & meditation)
  • Reading (erm… reading!)
  • Scribing (journalling)
  • Time (schedule the day)

Then in the evening, I reflect on the day, journal more and relax.  

These are powerful routines. The problems start when you feel the benefit, buzz from doing them, feel like it’s your key to continued success then life gets in the way every now and then. And you miss a habit.

Shiiiiiiitttttt, de-railed for the day. Just because you couldn’t get to the gym that day, or your kids got up while you were meditating, or you didn’t do your journal or read that day.  

With your habits, you must remember to be flexible. As in, don’t beat yourself up if you miss a habit one day, sometimes shit just happens, either fit it in later in the day or leave it out. Don’t let it ruin your day.

For example, for me this week, Thursday morning I started my 10mins meditation but then one of the kids came downstairs at 6.30am, I told her to go back to bed but she wouldn’t. So, I just adapted my routine to suit; I asked her if she wanted to try meditating with Daddy and we did, now it wasn’t the true meditation sesh I would get on my own but it was a peaceful time and a lovely moment with my 5yr old daughter Sophie.  So the habit was still completed AND a new experience was added. (which in my evening reflection, I put this as one of my 3 wins for the day). 

For Journals – I’ve tried all the journals and planners out there; from blank notebooks to expensive journals.  I have learnt that a good planner is one you use. I use my own, as in I took the best bits from all the ones I’ve bought and designed my own 13-week super planner which I had printed into hard-wired A5 books. I also have a 30-day version for those wanting to ease themselves in gently.   

Another fact to remember is that new habits take 66 days to form.  So if you can feel the benefits of new habits then keep persevering until they become automatic, a new lifestyle.  

Keep doing the little things, success is simple good habits repeated even when you don’t want to do them.  

Focus and Discipline.  

  • Do the Work when you’re at work.
  • Do the Gym when you’re at the gym.
  • Be a father when you’re with your child.
  • Know what I mean?

I see too many people not being present; allowing themselves to become distracted, being half arsed to the task at hand. And wondering why they’re making very slow progress or no progress. 

Focus on the task at hand, commit to it and discipline yourself to complete it very efficiently.  For example, just yesterday morning in the gym, I smashed through my 30minute routine as I do, but couldn’t help but notice a lass who spent all her time on her phone, transfixed to it.  She was sitting on all the machines, on her phone, just sitting doing nothing, tapping away on phone, then a few reps, not a sweat on her at all. I got a bit closer to watch her screen; all Facebook, Snapchat and Messenger.  What a complete waste of time and lack of effort.

Focus on the process, being present, being productive, being powerful in the moment.  

Focus on the task at hand, complete it with no distractions. That is the key to success.