When you don’t put in the required effort it’s called being half arsed isn’t it.

Where in life are you half-arsing it?

• Your fitness & physique
• As a parent
• As a partner
• Your work/career
• As a friend
• As a brother or sister

How often do you say “I can’t be arsed”?

These words are so often said that they’ve been shortened to CBA.

You’ll never get the results you want by being half arsed.

Life needs full arse!!

If you give full arse to:
• Your fitness and wellness
• Your family
• Your friends
• Your work

then you’ll get the results you’ve never had before.

You’ll start to feel great in yourself, you’ll have more meaningful relationships and you’ll make some progress at work too. You’ll start to realise how stuck you were and what can make you happier. You’ll have more good days than bad.

The trick is to give full arse even when you CBA.

But if you keep allowing yourself to be won over by the CBA voice then you’ll always feel stuck, disappointed, dissatisfied, unfulfilled and unhappy.

A half arsed approach will only result in:
• Fatness and illness
• Poor relationships with your family and friends • Stagnant work prospects

However if you’re willing to consistently do what only the very few are willing to do, then you’ll have the results that only the very few have. Make sense?

Most people CBA. They may start with good intentions, motivation and enthusiasm but that’s all short-lived.

The honeymoon period ends. The probation period ends. The excuses set in. Old habits die hard. The CBA in you has won. Again.

Stop waiting for the right time to go all in. The right time was yesterday, the next right time is today.

Stop with the search for the magic pill, the secret sauce, the book, the journal, the short-cuts, the coach, the course.

Motivation never lasts. Improved results can refuel it but it’s always a finite source.

The secret sauce is in the going at it with full arsed effort, commitment and consistency. Regardless of how you feel.

Carry on…