My greatest successes came from my two rock bottoms.

  1. The realisation that I was alcohol dependent at aged 33 and living a shite, unhappy, unfulfilling & lonely life. I cried a lot. Then gave up alcohol. Got help (therapy). Best decision ever. Changed my life. 8 year’s sober now. Amazing things have since happened which would not have if I had not hit my rock bottom.
  2. Then 2years ago, the realisation that my business was actually shite, unscalable, unprofitable and broken. So I fixed it.  Amazing things have since happened which would not have if I had not hit my rock bottom.

See the common theme in both of these situations?

Amazing things have since happened which would not have if I had not hit my rock bottom

So don’t beat yourself up; just dust yourself down, learn massively from it, take responsibility for it and then do something different to get different (ie better) results.

YOU are the answer to your problems.   

My life/health/relationships and my business wouldn’t have massively improved without hitting my shitty lows.

So remember, its all part of the process, its life, the highs and the lows – just take action to make the highs higher and lows more shallow.

I’m here to help.