You want something………

A result, a thing, an outcome, an improvement, a change, a promotion, a better body, more money, better relationships, more romance, less stress, more time, something better, more fulfilment, your dreams to come true etc.
Simple question: Are you doing enough?

As in, are you applying yourself and taking enough action to get what you want?

You might think you are and that you’re going at it 100% but have you got what it is that you want yet? Are you making progress as quickly as you expected? Are you 100% committed and applying 100% effort?

Because the thing is, you can always DO MORE.  

And you can always BE BETTER.

Test the theory; the easiest way is in the gym.  I do it frequently. I set my intentions to do X then I’ll do X plus MORE.  For example, say you’re doing 10 reps lifting something, I promise you that you can do more, do 12 reps, or even just 1 more rep, that’s still more. Or if you’re running for 20mins, I promise you that you can keep going and do 25mins, or just 1 more minute, or 10 more seconds, all still MORE.  

Then when you find yourself always doing more, set your intentions higher, increase the weight, or increase the reps, or increase the duration or distance, then away you go. But always do more. This little extra push at the end is testing you further, how bad do you want to improve, keep pushing, just do one more rep.  

In your day job, if it includes, for example, making 5 sales calls a day and talking to 3 existing clients a day; simply make 6, 7 or 8 sales calls and talk to 4 or 5 clients a day.

You want that promotion; are you doing enough to stand out for all the right reasons. Or are you leaving things until tomorrow and allowing yourself to coast a little and be a little distracted and not as productive and focused as you know you could be?

If you’re studying for an exam, are you scheduling the time to study, well in advance, and are you sticking to the schedule. Well done if you are. But do more, do a longer study session, turn 1hr into 1.25hrs.

If you’ve been meaning to read a book for months then commit to 1 chapter a day. (Or 1 page a day if you need to, just start reading FFS!!) Get into this new habit and when it becomes no effort to do, increase your capacity to 2 chapters per day. (or 2 pages a day!) 

Do you see the simple logic here – just do the thing you know you need to do, and apply yourself just that little bit more. Often, the extra effort required to do ‘more’ isn’t actually that much more but the difference in results is huge over the long term, the compound effect.     

On a similar note, you should also ask yourself “Once I have ‘it’, will I be willing to put the continued effort in to maintain ‘it’?”

Maintaining success is the hardest bit.  It makes reaching your success seem easy.  Staying on top of your game takes immense effort, commitment, self-control and discipline.  Again, think fitness and losing weight, you see people routinely lose an awful lot of weight, then slowly put it all back on again because they hit their goal, their success, then they stopped doing the things that achieved the outcome they wanted.    

I write this as a reminder for me too; I have to remind myself to keep doing the things I know I need to do to maintain but also to get better; in health, in love, in business, in wealth, in life.   

Consider all areas of your life; if you’re not happy with anything, ask yourself if you’re doing enough? Stop moaning, complaining, whining, gossiping, blaming and generally being a moron.  

Do the things you need to do to get better.  And keep doing them.

And just do more.  You can always DO and BE MORE.  

If you choose to.    

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that bit extra.