“This is space, it does not cooperate. At some point, everything’s going to go south on you, and you’re going to say, ‘this is it, this is how I am’.

Now you can either accept that or you can get to work. That’s all it is. You just begin.

You do the math, you solve one problem, then you solve the next one and then the next, and if you solve enough problems, you get to come home”

As quoted from The Martian.  I watched it the other day, Matt Damon stuck on Mars; after an accident, his crew presumes he’s dead so they bugger off and leave him. To certain death by all accounts.

Until he calms down, comes up with some ideas, applies some logic, focus and comes up with a plan to achieve things he didn’t think were possible. He makes progress. He fails. He refines and tweaks and keeps taking action. His success gets wiped out. He starts again. He never gives up.

He learns to communicate in a different way so he can get help. He learns and develops new skills.

The weaker astronaut would have been doomed. But not Matt Damon; he was physically and mentally strong and knew what he wanted. He wanted to get home. His success was getting home

He says those words at the end of the film when he’s lecturing some trainee astronauts. It’s an epic take home to be applied to life; just replace the word ‘space’ with ‘life’.

“This is LIFE, it does not cooperate……now read it all again. 

So what is your version of getting home? What does your “success” look like?


  • Do you even know what you want?
  • Do you know how to get it?
  • Are you physically fit enough to get it?
  • Are you mentally fit enough to get it?

Or are you just a stranded astronaut getting up every day, existing in your own “space” and just hoping that a new day magically brings you what you want.

You are the answer and you have it within you to get ‘home’.  

You are your problem and you are your solution. So get out of your own way and solve your problems.
